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·边墙史料书库 .. 阿伦主编

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作  者:李刚 姚乐音
出  处:
文  摘:
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing Spatial Technique The ancient sites

Virtual Reality Technology Archeology

ABSTRACT: The scholars who come from fifteen nations of the world and the UNESCO have taken part in the conference of the international remote sensing archaeology at Beijing at Oct.18-21, 2004. The conference takes “The spatial understanding of the information of the historical cultural inheritance” as the topic. The content includes the application of the remote sensing and its relative techniques in the archaeology and the protection and management of the cultural inheritance. The scholars do the extensive study to the technical characteristics and apply methods of all kinds of the remote sensing into the archaeological realm. The achievements of the seminar can induce to following three aspects: 1, Tallied up the development progress and foregrounds of the technique of the remote sensing in the archeological realm; 2, Inquired into the point of the technical specification of the remote sensing and the methodology of the archeology together; 3, reported a lot of special subject research results of the ancient relics dealt with the remote sensing archeology. The conference displays the significance and the biggest potentiality of the remote sensing in the archeological realm, and makes the function of communication and cooperation of the world in the future.

  · http://www.kaogu.cn/cn_kaogu/show_News.asp?id=70&key=长城
关 键 词:遥感 空间技术 古代遗迹 虚拟复原 考古学
正  文:
作 者: 李 刚 姚乐音 发布时间: 2005-4-12 14:53:52

关键词:遥感 空间技术 古代遗迹 虚拟复原 考古学

2004年10月18至21日,由中国科学 ……


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