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·边墙史料书库 .. 阿伦主编

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     Salt Trade and, Frontier- defense, Cultivation in the Ming Dynasty
作  者:李三谋
     Li Sanmou 中国农业博物馆研究所研究员
出  处:盐业史研究 2006年第1期
文  摘:

After the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, the Court stressed the national defense to northern frontier and emphasized defense of nine frontier regions such as Ganzhou, Guyuan, Ninxia, Yansui, Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhou, Liaodong and towns of Sanguan in Shanxi and in the same time they also stressed frontier defense of coast of south - east and south - west. The dominators adopted all political and martial means manage border areas and they also used economical measures of marketing management——way of controlling common salt trade to strengthen the construction of northern frontiers and native coastal military affairs. The Court compellingly confirm contents and procedure of paying tax in order to lighten national financial press through rate paying behavior of merchants. At last, the action arrived at aim for the service of frontier affairs. Its management movement was comparatively succeed and a very good effective was achieved.

  · http://economy.guoxue.com/article.php/8392
关 键 词:明朝 食盐贸易 边防 边垦 开中法
正  文:
中图分类号:K248 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003—9864(2006)01—0011—05

明朝初期,政局不稳,国力较弱,边疆危机时起,故政府的兵力较多地集结于九边和沿海地区,全力捍卫疆土。尤其是北部沿 ……


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